Once Gandhi Said; “be the change you want to see in the world”. And so is that, we’re always seeking to be the change in our society or at least, to make a significant difference. We know we would have made one when we see something that has been established in society changing. In the end, we’d realize a significant difference is a process of doing Good –acting through love– for others, the environment and by thus, for oneself. Although the term society is very a recurrent one, I’d like to define it as the whole set of environmental, political, cultural, technological, economical and social norms that govern an indeterminate group of people. However, that change starts within oneself. Once a difference inside is made, it starts spreading and turns into being a process of seeking good in every action we do that affects society: our way of interacting with people and the environment.
Every change starts with an action. A significant change can become judged with moral values such as Good or Bad, even though these terms refer nothing else than people’s interpretations of other’s actions. Every action an individual makes that changes society’s form –as it’s been defined– will be an action provoking the significant difference. It doesn’t matter that this action doesn’t fit into the ‘Good’ standards of one’s society, the change will still be made. For example, Hitler’s Third Reich. He completely changed Germany’s society, establishing new political, cultural, social, environmental, technological and economical norms. Even though morally judging Hitler’s actions into something ‘good’ or ‘bad’ would be my own interpretation of it, when it comes to doing a significant change I believe we should aspire on doing what we believe is good, the environment and oneself at the same level: for me, ‘doing good’ means doing things through love.
Although changing society seems pretty much something unreachable, it is important to keep in mind that true change starts within’ oneself. If we aspire on making this action from the inside to the outside, the effect of it is probably gonna reach deeper on other’s perceptions. Everything we can do to have an influence in society is within our way to interact with the people and the environment. In the end, they are part of what builds up this society we want to make a change in. Seeing ourselves through the eyes of the other and by that, genuinely inspiring others to seek goodness; as so you do. Doing good is also connecting with nature, loving every form of life and having respect for it. The way we consume food, energy, water, natural space/resources (and some, even bodies) is the pure reflection of the way we love life. Again, doing good is doing things from love.
When treating our environment we have to reconsider the consumption-production relationship. The focus should be not only on the amount of food, energy, water or natural spaces /resources we consume but from where those things come from. In other words, this is called fair trade and it’s basically making sure no human right is vulnerated within the production of whatever you are consuming. Also, this refers to our personal CO2 footprint: it is known that industries such as meat and fashion are the most polluters within the production scale and it is important to consider that when consuming as well. Again, everything is up to acting through love for others and the environment, which in the end can be translated into taking care of things.
To conclude, the significant difference starts within oneself, when acting from love and seeking goodness in everything we try to reach for. Only pure and genuine love will be the engine that will start a process of change within the status quo of society.